To create a movie poster for the upcoming movie The 12th brigade using 
photo manipulation 
I started off with a synopsis of what the 12th brigade was about, creating a story within a sci-fi war genre. I then did research on how various films showcase their movie posters to get the correct positioning of the credits at the bottom. Afterwards, I went to work to create the wordmark by using illustrator to create the text, then Photoshop to create the additions such as shadows and lightning. The poster itself was created in Photoshop using various images such as sand and buildings, then I used various adjustment layers to create the lighting effect of red sand, I used a snow globe for the city's dome and then created the city in it.
I used Adobe Illustrator and all the effects and functions within the program to start the creation of the wordmark. I then brought the wordmark into Photoshop for further manipulation

I used Adobe Photoshop and all the effects and functions within the program to design the layout of the poster. I brought in various images and manipulated them to create the visuals of the poster (for example, for the dome of the city I used a snow globe). I also created the lightning effect on the wordmark using photoshop along with highlights and shadows.

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